September 17-19, 2025
The Westin Chattanooga (downtown)
Our Annual Trade Show and Convention is scheduled for September 17-19, 2025 at the Westin Chattanooga downtown!! Please see the Dealer and Exhibitor forms below for additional information and registration.
HOTEL RESERVATIONS: TNSI has blocked rooms at The Westin Downtown Chattanooga. Please make your reservations TODAY by calling 800-841-1674 mention our Group code “TSP” OR you may use the link in my email. Room rates are $209 per night. This rate is good through August 25, 2025. After that date, reservations will be accepted on a room and rate availability basis. The Westin is GORGEOUS with a beautiful open-air lobby and bar and fire pits for lounging and networking!
For the schedule of events, CEU courses, exhibits and meetings, please see the Dealer or Exhibitor registration forms below.
QUESTIONS: Call Penny Brooks, TNSI Executive Director at 615.791.9590 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
On the right hand side of this page you will find a schedule of training that TNSI will offer from January through December.
To register, check the box of the course you wish to attend, fill out the bottom of the training form and mail with check to:
PO Box 150062
Nashville, TN 37215
Phone: 615-791-9590
Fax: 615-791-1811
Deadline to register is two weeks prior to each course.
No check means no registration. All courses require at least 15 students to make a class. Fees listed are for TNSI members, nonmembers pay $200 extra.
The Tennessee Network of Security Integrators is a statewide nonprofit organization of alarm businesses. More than 200 companies, including suppliers, are working through TNSI to promote the mutual interest of the private security industry, foster cordial relations among the members, stimulate growth, and serve as a medium of exchange and dissemination of information regarding the alarm industry to members, to legislators and to the public. The TNSI provides a state-wide basis for communication, education and the exchange of ideas and information between its members.
Active membership is open to any business except a public utility having it's primary activity in the burglar and/or fire alarm business. To be eligible for membership, the prospect must have been in the alarm business no less than one year and be licensed with the State of Tennessee as an alarm system contractor.
Associate membership is open to any business entity engaged in the manufacture, distribution, supply or sale of products or services relating and necessary to the members of the TNSI.
Penny Brooks
P.O. Box 150062
Nashville, TN 37215
Phone: 615-791-9590
Fax: 615-791-1811
Tennessee Network of Security Integrators
P.O. Box 150062
Nashville, TN 37215
Phone: 615-791-9590 Fax: 615-791-1811 Email
© Copyright 2021 Tennessee Network of Security Integrators
Site by Digitech Consulting, Inc.